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Anthony May

Manual Winols Portugues: A Guide to Tuning Your Car with WinOLS Software

Manual Winols Portugues: A Guide to Tuning Your Car with WinOLS Software

WinOLS is a powerful software that allows you to modify the engine management of your car. You can optimize the performance, fuel consumption, emissions, and other parameters of your engine by editing the maps that control the injection, ignition, turbo, etc. WinOLS can also correct checksums, import and export files, compare versions, and more.

However, WinOLS is not a simple tool that anyone can use without proper knowledge and experience. You need to understand how your car works, how to read and interpret data, and how to make safe and effective changes. That's why you need a manual that explains the basics of WinOLS and guides you through the process of tuning your car.

Manual Winols Portugues is a PDF document that provides a comprehensive introduction to WinOLS and its features. It covers topics such as:

manual winols portugues

Download File:

  • How to register and install WinOLS

  • How to create and manage projects and versions

  • How to find and edit maps using different modes and tools

  • How to use scripts, damos, map packs, and other resources

  • How to import and export files and data

  • How to correct checksums and verify changes

  • How to print and share your projects

  • And much more!

Manual Winols Portugues is based on the original instruction manual of WinOLS 1.222 (Version from 10.3.2005) [^1^], but it has been translated into Portuguese and updated with new information and screenshots. It also includes tips and tricks from experienced tuners who have used WinOLS for years.

If you want to learn how to tune your car with WinOLS, Manual Winols Portugues is the perfect resource for you. You can download it from this link [^2^] or buy it as a collection item from this website [^3^]. Manual Winols Portugues will help you master WinOLS and unleash the full potential of your car!

Before you start tuning your car with WinOLS, you need to have some basic requirements. You need a computer with Windows operating system, a compatible interface device to connect your car's ECU to the computer, and a backup of your original ECU file. You also need a license for WinOLS software, which you can buy from EVC website [^4^].

Once you have everything ready, you can launch WinOLS and create a new project. You can either open an existing ECU file or read the data directly from your car's ECU using the interface device. WinOLS will automatically detect the type of ECU and the checksum algorithm. You can then enter some information about your project, such as the car model, engine type, power, etc.

After creating a project, you can start searching and editing maps. Maps are the tables that contain the data that control different aspects of your engine. For example, there are maps for fuel injection, ignition timing, boost pressure, torque limiters, etc. WinOLS has several features that help you find and edit maps, such as:

  • Automatic map search: WinOLS can scan your ECU file and identify potential maps based on predefined criteria.

  • Manual map search: You can also search for maps manually using different modes and tools, such as text mode, 2D mode, 3D mode, preview mode, etc.

  • Damos and map packs: These are files that contain information about the maps and their locations in the ECU file. You can import damos and map packs from other sources or create your own using WinOLS.

  • Scripts: These are small programs that perform specific tasks on your ECU file or maps. You can use scripts to automate some processes or apply complex calculations.

When editing maps, you need to be careful and follow some best practices. You should always make small changes and test them on your car before making further adjustments. You should also compare your modified version with the original one and check for any errors or inconsistencies. WinOLS can help you with these tasks by providing features such as:

  • Checksum correction: WinOLS can automatically correct the checksums of your ECU file after making any changes. Checksums are codes that verify the integrity of the data and prevent corruption.

  • Version management: WinOLS allows you to create and manage multiple versions of your project. You can compare different versions and see the differences in maps or hexdump.

  • Data analysis: WinOLS provides various tools to analyze the data in your ECU file or maps. You can use graphs, histograms, statistics, formulas, etc.

  • Data import and export: WinOLS allows you to import and export data from different sources and formats. You can import data from older projects, files, damos, scripts, etc. You can also export data as files, CSV map lists, map packs, etc.

WinOLS is a powerful software that can help you tune your car with ease and efficiency. However, it is not a magic tool that can do everything for you. You still need to have a good understanding of how your car works and how to use WinOLS properly. That's why Manual Winols Portugues is a valuable resource that can teach you the basics of WinOLS and guide you through the process of tuning your car. 29c81ba772


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